Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Last Post

Hello! I am happy but sad to have finished this project. Thank you for watching me and my videos. I hope you learned too! Thank you! Bye! :)

Here it is guys: the final post! :) Thank you all so much! I've learned a lot and had a blast learning ASL and I hope you all have too! :) The sites I used for all my ASL needs were www.lifeprint.com and http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/phrases.cgi They're awesome sites and I highly reccomend them!
Thank you all for being the best audience!

Signing off (for the last time)
-Emily :)
Hey guys! So today is the end of my 30 days! They flew by!! I'm hopefully going to be able to do a wrap up video and show off a little signing that I learned throughout this experience!

Thank you guys for following me and commenting and just plain being awesome :) I've probably got the best followers of all ;) Thanks again guys!

Signing off
-Emily :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hey guys! :) Here's the video from last week all about food! :) Never worry about not being able to sign in a restaurant again! :)

Signing off!
-Emily :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, I've been home this weekend and that means that my internet is a little sketchy :) I'll be posting my food video ASAP and then a fun facts post soon! My 30 days technically ends on Tuesday, so thank you all so much for following me on this little journey! :)

Signing off!
-Emily :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Heyo! :) Another *Awesome* video on signing for time periods! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Signing off!
-Emily :)
Hey guys! :) New week and that means a new topic! :) This weekend has been pretty packed, so I apologize for the lack of video, I will be working on that ASAP!

This week the focus is Food! (my favorite! haha) Be sure to check out lifeprint.com if you want to see the lessons that I'm learning! :)

Signing off!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Here's the video I promised you guys last week! I'm so sorry for the delay! But think, this week you get *two* videos! :)

Signing off!
Hey everybody! Fun facts today about the creation of a sign language that actually talks! ...well, kind of :)

According to Carlo Geraci in his article titled "Tracing Direction to Contact," with the technological advances being as quick as they are, it is possible to, hopefully soon, create a phonological representation of American Sign Language! This would be invaluable to non-signers and to signers alike! Though not complete, Geraci comments that there is a potential catalog of phonographic sounds that correspond to ASL. This would make learning ASL extremely easy for auditory learners as well as help aid signers that have minimal hearing capabilities. Just think: a verbal translator of your signs and signals!

I'll be learning my signs the old fashioned way, but I can't wait to see the progress of this translator! What do you think? Would this be useful to you in any way? Any way that it's a negative?

Remember, video Friday and the focus is one times and contexts! :)

Signing Off!
-Emily :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey guys! :)

So I'm back at school which means (hopefully) my videos will be able to upload now! :) This week I'll be focusing on time so think "then" "now" "all done" "future" and "past"! These are important to put your signs into a tense, so for all you storytellers, now you can sign away about the past!

Signing off!
-Emily :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Want to learn something interesting about ASL? Did you know that you may be able to communicate more effectively WITHOUT actually signing?

I know, crazy right? But it's true according to a study done by Annika Hermann and Markus Steinbach pertaining to nonmanuals in sign languages. Nonmanuals are any gestures that are not literal signed movements. These include the speed of signing, body movements, and, more importantly, facial expressions. 

So if you were to sign "mother" (as we learned last week) and make a face that looks like you smell rotten garbage...probably giving your audience a bit more insight into how you really feel!

So remember to watch out for those powerful nonverbals! If you' like to read more, check out the study in Sign Language & Linguistics magazine or drop me a comment and I can send you the direct link!

Signing off!
Hello! This was supposed to go up Monday, but nonetheless, here it is!

This week, I've been focusing on learning signs that pertain to places and locations! These include, home, work, school, church ect. These are extremely helpful in understanding directions and specific landmarks when conversing in ASL! Hope you'll learn with me at www.lifeprint.com! Stay turned for fun facts and video Friday!

Signing off!
Hey everyone! :)

I wanted to apologize for my lack of posting! Apparently, my internet is a little fickle at home and it has decided not to update my blog! I'll hopefully be posting the blogs from Monday and Wednesday ASAP! And don't forget, a video tomorrow!! :)

Signing off!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hey Guys! Wanted to post my first video on family! :)

Signing off!
