Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Last Post

Hello! I am happy but sad to have finished this project. Thank you for watching me and my videos. I hope you learned too! Thank you! Bye! :)

Here it is guys: the final post! :) Thank you all so much! I've learned a lot and had a blast learning ASL and I hope you all have too! :) The sites I used for all my ASL needs were www.lifeprint.com and http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/phrases.cgi They're awesome sites and I highly reccomend them!
Thank you all for being the best audience!

Signing off (for the last time)
-Emily :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool how you ended this. I am going to decipher this now! Very awesome. It's been so cool to watch and learn along with you.
